家长 & 家庭关系

  • 家庭周末
  • 研究生 with Mom and Grandmon
  • 研究生组

Connect and engage with SHSU by creating your parent profile today!

Click the button below to create your FREE parent account.



At SHSU we understand the importance of working with parents as a part of a student's support team and network.


Our mission is to create unique opportunities to engage and support parents, 谁来回报, contribute to student retention.

愿景 & 价值观:

We will facilitate communication between the university and parents. Together with the help of the University community we are here to serve you.  Whether you have a question about a specific department, student support services, 最后期限, or want to know more about SHSU, we are here to serve you.

隐私 & 安全策略

家长 & 家庭关系
山姆 Houston State University
电话: 936-294-2714
电子邮件: parents@gooddaytermite.com